CSCMS LG12 County Primary School, Martyrs Avenue, March 1958
“I do not like thee, Doctor Fell , The reason why – I cannot tell ; But this I know , and know full well, I do not like thee, Doctor Fell”. Sometimes members of a family meet and the talk turns to their memories. On one such occasion I…
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Fields The old man started with the sentence, “When I was a child, all of this was fields.” It was a line that had been spun many times by many people over the years as they tried to explain how much their locality had changed since their youth. Most of…
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Woodall-Duckham House At 11 The Boulevard in Crawley the “Platform_” building is a modern condominium of flats which opened in 2016. Mia lives together with her parents Sonya and Allan on the second floor in the West Wing in a nice two-bedroom apartment overlooking the shops on the opposite side…

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