Gold lantern held at the top by a person in white

The Paralympic flame being carried in.

In 2012 the Olympic torch was paraded through Crawley, so could we do something like it for the Paralympics? The members of Crawley’s Access Group (TAG) thought it was worth a try. Council officers agreed and the answer was – YES!

The British Paralympic Association (BPA) agreed that a lantern containing a flame lit from THE Paralympic flame could stop off at our town where it would have to be guarded overnight at the Town Hall. The BPA also gave us a Paralympic flag which is on display at the museum during the Paris Games.

White flag with red, white and blue logo in the middle.

The Paralympic flag up in Crawley.

12th July 2012

All was ready in Queens Square, people were turning up, the parade was assembled ready to start… Then the heavens opened and it poured.  And poured.

‘You’ll have to cancel’ said the Police officer.  ‘No way!’ we said. ‘We carry on whatever.’

Then, on the dot of starting time, the rain stopped and the crowds emerged from their shelters and the wonderful samba band struck up. They led the way from Memorial Gardens and we followed, with the lantern held by Zoe at the head of our merry band of local people representing a variety of disabilities and ages.

Woman in a wheel chair with someone pushing behind, both are wearing white. Woman in the wheel chair is holding a gold lantern.

Zoe carrying the flame.

People in red outfits and drums with people behind them.

The samba band leading the parade.

People in red outfits and drums, there are people behind them.
People in red outfits and drums, there are people behind them. Man sitting down has his arms up in celebration. Other people are standing around him.

Into Queens Square where we sat together. Damian carried the lantern up to each of us in turn, to hold it or touch it, which was very special. It felt like it connected us with the whole Paralympic ethos and the athletes soon to represent us at the Games.

Group of people sitting and standing outside.

The crowd gathers to watch the celebrations.

The flame in a gold lantern is held by members of the crowd.

The Paralympic Flame passed along the row of disabled people.

The flame in a gold lantern is held by members of the crowd.
The flame in a gold lantern is held by members of the crowd.
The flame in a gold lantern is held by members of the crowd.

Zoe presented the lantern to the mayor, Councillor Keith Blake, and I had the honour of raising the Paralympic flag. Then the entertainment by local groups began.

Woman in a wheel chair wearing white hands a gold lantern to a man standing in a suit.

Zoe presenting the lantern to the mayor, Councillor Keith Blake.

Person in a wheel chair is raising a while flag up a flag pole. Aided by a person in brown shirt and blue trousers.

The Paralympic flag gets raised in Crawley.

…..And later that day, we were on the telly!

Still image from BBC South East Today showing group of people celebrating the Paralympic Flame.

Celebrations featured on BBC South East Today.


Next morning was our PARALYMPIC RIDE round the town centre!

Again it rained – stair-rods rain – and this time it didn’t stop. But neither did we!

Starting at the Town Hall and suitably clad, we did a circuit including Memorial Gardens and Queens Square, riding a collection of accessible cycles.

A line of wheel chairs moving through the park.

Chris leads the Paralympic Ride.

Person in a hand powered three wheel bike passes a building behind them.
woman in wheel chairs comes across pavement with other wheel chairs behind her.
Group of people in wheel chairs gathered in a group and looking at the camera.

All I can say is it was wet, wild and joyous!

Chris Cheshire

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