Imagine a solid sphere of iron hurtling towards you at 250 mph! Welcome to historical warfare! Among the exhibits at Crawley Museum is what appears to be an English civil war cannonball. It’s a 3.1 lb hunk of metal, which is now pitted and rusted, held together by wire, but…

Ifield Mill, A Survey by J. Gibson-Hill and E.W. Henbery In 1975 I was fortunate enough to spend the summer with a friend, Keith Young, working with archaeologist John Gibson-Hill. I was reminded of this the other day when, whilst having a clear out at home, I found a little…

Ifield Watermill is believed to be the only working Watermill in West Sussex which is still powered by its original water source (the Ifield millpond). We will be open to the public on Sunday 19th July, 16th August and 20th September from 2.30pm to 5pm. In line with reopening guidance…