Crabbet Park Memories

My memories of growing up on a private estate, Crabbet Park, in the village of Worth.

As children, my brother, sister and I, had the most wonderful life. Freedom to play, in woodland, streams, forest and fields of the lands owned by Lady Wentworth.

Our lives at Crabbet Park were regulated by the needs of the Arab horses and the farming calendar, and we were most fortunate to be included in these activities.

My father, Burges Stace was head stallion man up at Caxtons Stables, and we lived in a pair of cottages built in the Sussex style in 1938, later demolished for the M23 motorway.

My first memories of the horses are being held up to stroke Oran, a quiet stallion and breathe in the lovely, nutty smell of a clean horse! My father took me to work with him most days before I started school, and then in the school holidays.

The quiet of the barn, where the young colts spent their first year, was a wonderful playground, this stood next to Caxtons Farm House, a very old house, lived in by a lovely lady, Peggy Leppard and her husband, Harry. Peggy was a firm favourite of mine and my sisters, as she would call for us on her way home from the Big House where she was Lady Wentworth`s housekeeper, over to the delights of Caxtons House, sweets in the old syrup tin, mystery doors and huge fireplaces, we loved to stay there with her, and `help` her with the `house` sewing.

My father, Burges Stace, was a stallion man for Lady Wentworth, and worked from 15 years of age to when Cecil Covey gave up the Arab Horses Stud, which was in 1973, when my dad was 63, a total of 48 years man and boy.

In the afternoons on the estate, the men carried out maintenance work along side the farm workers, but my dad also had other tasks. To me the most enjoyable, was mole catching. Whole afternoons spent in my dad’s company, wandering round the fields of Crabbet and Frogshole, rain or shine. Spotting which traps had been sprung,I would feel so very sorry for the moles, who were after all only doing what moles do.

Men leading stallions through brick archway

Coronation Stables Parade Ground – Fred Branch, Fred Rice, Peter Hardwood. (photograph from Stella Berrisford)

In the autumn we spent many hours hedging and ditching, laying new hedges, replacing fences, this was an added bonus as the men on the estate always received a wagon load of wood for their fires, and fence rails to me and my sister were so easily stackable when sawn.

Dad’s other duties were chaff cutting, a horrible, dusty job, which contributes to `farmers lung’ caused by heavy dust particles., which eventually in his retirement caused his death. Another chore down at the `bottom` feed house, was the boiling of the linseed, and then dad had to carry two heavy steaming buckets on a neck yoke, up Caxtons Hill to the stallion stables, as a child, I disliked this so much, I thought that my dear dad was used without consideration when I knew there were tractors available.

Harvesting at Crabbet, Wakemans Green and Frogshole took up a great deal of the men’s working hours, working until dusk, arriving home filthy dirty, and no running hot water! Our hot water was heated in a copper outside, my mother was a hero, backwards and forwards with the buckets to wash and bathe in. In those days , all the men took to the harvest fields were bottles of cold tea to keep up their fluids.

Lady Wentworth was very much against cutting down any trees, so any emergency limbing or cutting had to be done when she was not around, my dad and Peter Harwood did most of the estates tree work, and subsequent bonfires, another children’s joy, smelly hair and clothes but lots of fun.

All the maintenance work on the buildings at Crabbet were carried out by Mannings & Co from Crawley Down, including the interiors of the cottages, they also creosoted the fences around the stables, still an aroma to bring back memories of hot sunny days.

Mares, foals and grooms in stable yard

Coronation Stables yard – mares and foals – Fred Branch, Rod Stace, Cecil Covey. Photograph from Stella Berrisford.

On afternoons in spring when the mares and foals were being brought in, my sister, Daphne and I would like to go down the hill to The Coronation Stables yard to watch our Uncle Rod and the other men, round up the foals and sort them into the right stables, our parents were told that it was really too dangerous for us, so we had to forego the excitement of watching the men shout and the whole place like a wild west show, and console ourselves with feeding our favourite stallions with as much grass as we could carry in our outstretched skirts.

Village life centred around the church, and Sunday School. We attended both, my brother and I achieving 100% attendance most years. We had wonderful Christmas parties, sports days and an outing to the seaside every year. The Worth Horticultural Society had their annual show at the Worth School, we always went along in the hope that our dad would win the pig, the nearest we got to this, was our next door neighbour won a goose, named by us as Gracie, and she lived for 15years. She was a wonderful guard goose, in her dislike of men and boys she would honk, hiss and flap her wings, much to our delight.

Crabbet Park and the way of life changed dramatically after Lady Wentworth died in 1957. Cecil Covey inherited Caxtons Stables and Frogshole Farm, the stallions stayed at Caxtons, and the brood mares went down to newly built stables at Frogshole Farm where Cecil Covey lived. The estate at Crabbet Park changed forever with a wood merchant buying and taking down all the commercially viable trees. The land changed hands many times, before the intervention of the M23 motorway.

A Racing Yard was run from the Coronation Stables and the threshing barn was renovated into a dwelling house. After this it was a nationally acclaimed riding school, it changed hands again and is still to this day a riding school.

When the M23 motorway was planned, a parcel of Caxtons land was required and my family’s home was demolished to make way for the motorway. Then Cecil Covey decided to give up his Arab Horses altogether, so new homes were built for my parents and their neighbours further along the Turners Hill Road.

Frogshole Farm was also wanted by the Crawley Town planners, so that was also sold and became Maidenbower a new neighbourhood of Crawley.

four men leading horses along a country lane

Caxtons Drive – 4 horses with Fred Rice, Rod Stace, unknown, Cecil Covey – photograph from Stella Berrisford

To find out more about Crabbet Park, read Liz Archer”s articles

And more memories from Stella Berrisford

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Adrian Hensler

4 years ago

I remember yourself and Daphne very well,
My name is Adrian and I was an apprentice jockey for Mr Francis Muggeridge who was the racehorse trainer there at the time I started with him in the early 60s, I can remember digging cars out of the snow due to the severe winter we had
Names that you may remember were Nobber Pat Mick Ron and Rodney who were also there at the same time as myself until sadly the stables were sold to an equitation centre because the reason I believe is that the M23 would have cut straight through the gallops we used to exercise the horses.
Such fond memories of a beautiful place.

Anna-Maria Darnell

4 years ago


Nobber was my dad! We’ve been with some of his old friends this morning talking about crabbet park and I googled it on the off chance I might find a picture, did not expect to see his name pop up! If you see this id love to get in touch!


Terence mulley

3 years ago

I was a paper boy in 1957 I use to deliver papers to frogs hole farm a loverly lady use to give me a coffee on cold winter morning wonderful memories of those days T mulley I think coveys son was also at my school hazelwick

Deborah Harris

3 years ago

Leart to ride here in the 1970s. Wonderful place.
Used to help muck out, clean tack for people, anything to just be around the horses. In later years my daughter competed here in the X country events. Such happy, golden, unforgettable memories.

Diane Jamal (nee Large)

9 months ago

I used to ride there throughout the 70s and was one of the girls who used to help look after the pony compound after school and at weekends. My favourite was Stardust. As I got older I moved onto the horses for either dressage or jumping lessons and the fantastic cross country course before the M23 came through. I loved it so much.

kaye steele

2 years ago

I trained at Crabbet in 1972. My name is Kaye ( MOrgan then) if anyone remebers those good times please reply. I am hoping to write a book in which Crabbet will feature in a huge way. Robin Larson – you bought me my first steak!!! I had no money as was sent to Crabbet from childrens services. Best move ever. Commando was my favourite. Beauty with her lop ears. I am 67 now and have a Dutch Warmblood who looks a little like Dandy.

Carol nichols

2 years ago

I, too, was at Crabbet Park in fall of 1972, studying for the BHSAI exam. I loved it! Four months I was there and the Instructor had recently been studying at the Cadre Noir. My training there was a college graduation gift from my uncle and my first flight – Boston, MA, USA to London. What wonderful memories, I just happened to be looking up Crabbet this evening because I spoke of it to a neighbor.

Vicki Hancock

5 months ago

I was there 1969 to 1970. Have you seen a list of students anywhere? I wish I had had kept better contact with everyone. Did you stay at Bushend?

Denise Hedley

2 years ago

Hi , I also rode Dandy and Beauty, always hoped too ride Sheila ( Running leap ) had lessons with John Lassiter and Phillip Lee Wolfe , great times my name then was Denise Hedley

Tracey Harmer

2 years ago

I rode there around the same time. Loved it, and my favourite horse was called Raffety! I am now 63, so a long time ago, but i recall the indoor schooling rings and helping to muck out too!

Coran Ford

2 years ago

Hi My name is Coran and I turned eighteen the summer of 1987 when I was working as a groom at Crabbet. It was running as livery yard and riding school. Evenings and weekends would be very busy with riding lessons and hunter trials. The Wentworth Lodge Hotel as it was called then is also on the grounds of Crabbet Park. The restaurant part of the Hotel was unique that it had a glass partition that over looked the large indoor riding school. You could eat, drink socialise in the restaurant and watch riding lessons that would take place.

Vicki Hancock

10 months ago

I attended Crabbet Park in 1969. Anyone else? My name is Vicki Hancock.
Brian Young was in charge then…

Crawley Museum

10 months ago

Hi Vicki,

We have edited the post to remove your email address, as it might have resulted in you getting unwanted messages and spam. We can still see it so if anyone gets in touch wanting to contact you directly we can pass it to them.

Thanks for your comments, so interesting reading your memoires of Crabbet Park.

Vicki Hancock

10 months ago

I attended Crabbet Park in 1969 and 1970. Some of the best memories of my life! I lived in Bushend house, and we were driven in a land rover to the stables everyday. Sometimes we walked:) My riding instructors were John Lasetter, Peter ?, Gillian, Mr. Oldham was our classroom teacher, who taught in a classroom in the stable area. Remember the muck heap??🤣. After the 6 months course, I lived with Mrs Forrester at 21 Springplat in Worth. Sometimes my friends and I would walk around the little churches cemetery at night! And explore Lay Wentworths old home….where vines were growing inside! Such a magical time of my life. Anyone there at that time?? Rachel Horner? Rosalyn, so many wonderful friends. I don’t do Facebook. so maybe someone might recognize me from this post!!

Jackie Ellis

10 months ago

Peter Roberts ? Remember horses Mystic (Arab), Magic Touch (pb), Dandy (stringhalt), Pirate a rig, Tio Pepe (super XC), Beauty, lop eared brill dressage Twist Up…

Vicki Hancock

5 months ago

I was there 1969 to 1970. Have you seen a list of students anywhere? I wish I had had kept better contact with everyone. Did you stay at Bushend?
I am 73….

Kate Adkins

4 months ago

Just found this site today! I was at Crabbet as a WP in 1975. Peter Roberts was just leaving after I came. Was Stable Manager Mr. Smith there when you were? I have wonderful memories of Dandy (Dandylion), Magic Touch, Beauty, Mystic, Pirate (PeeWit), Commando, Rocket, Romeny Rye and so many others. Was Miss Keith there in 1970? She boarded her Kintor there and had received training from Alois Podhajsky. I remember seeing she had handwritten notes she kept from that. Yes, the muck heap; throw the muck up with 2-tine pitchfork and level it properly! We had a “graduation party” at Brian Young’s hose at the end of the year. I would love to share more memories!

Vicki Hancock

5 months ago

Yes! I remember them…Beauty, Dandy, …when were u there?


8 months ago

What a wonderful reminder of some of the happiest days of my life lots of fun and laughs everyday. I went to Crabbet Park in 1966 until the early 70s, to train for the ‘I’ exam under the watchful eye of the great Brian Young and John Lasseter. Words cannot describe what a fabulous time we all had in this small space. The stud was still going in a small way and the Stud Groom used to lead the unbroken stallion, Hanif down the the old indoor school while Brian supervised me and Roger Parkinson break him in. I remember well most of the names mentioned below, and the horses of course. A book would be a great idea.

Vicki Hancock

5 months ago

Maybe you were one of my instructors?
I was there 1969 1970. For the BHSAI Program John Lasetter, Petter (his girlfriend at the time was Helen) I lived at Bushend. I loved my time there and all my friends. I wish I could locate a list of the students during that time! Do you remember Rachel Horner? Roz?
Such a magical memorable times. ❤️

Debbie Callaghan Harris

8 months ago

Learnt to ride here in 1968. Every Sunday a friend and I would be dropped off from Horsham and we had a lesson for grand sum of 2 shillings per hour. Afterwards we would muck out, clean tack for anyone either private liveries or riding school. Just to be around the horses was Heaven. At the end of the day we were asked to grab a halter and lead the riding school ponies down the leafy lane to the night field. Can still remember some of the horse and pony names. Green Isle, Charlie, Susan, Spider, Tom Thumb, Whisper, and my favourite little black pony to ride Bracken

Christina Duke

3 months ago

Around 1961 my father bought a small farm in Australia that had been an Arab Stud. He negotiated that a certain young Arab mare be included in the sake with me in mind. This mare by Malik (Fenwick Stud Victoria) duly went away to be broken in and cane back a mess she continually reared to get me off and when that failed she would try to roll me off. I knew nothing about training young horses and on my way home from school I called in a well known Book Store in Sydney, Dymocks. The sales assistant asked me what I was looking for and I told him the story. He in turn told me he used to work at Lady Wentworths Stud and recommended Equitation by zHenry Wynmalen . The mare and myself never looked back as well as many horses that followed. I just wish I knew this man’s name and could thank him. Christina Duke

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