A Crawley Parody
Free time free land free love
Everything was free
It was the season for bicycles
And we wanted to race
On a track with lots of features
Tough, very little grace
Someone thought to ask Don
Because he had the tools
Implements borrowed from
The councils unused pools
Donald a real skivvy
Ready within two days
Hump jump corners skiddy
We had nothing but praise
Poems are happy at core
But then comes a sad bit
Police at Donald’s door
Cops with a big transit
Took two hundred or more
Tackle of the menders
They said it’s quite a haul
We said they were lenders
Our track Complete success
Played on every day
With free public access
A winner all the way
How to build a new town
Vision plans and Labour
Borrowed tools, surplus pound
Careful of the vapour
By Tim Holt
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