My family’s memories start with my mum taking me to be weighed at the Baby Clinic held at the Monte, I have a 1947 newspaper cutting of a party at the hall with all the mums, toddlers and babies.
The announcement of Crawley being selected for a New Town was decided at a meeting held at the hall in 1947.
My mum, three aunties and many other ladies from the village went to the Bingo and Whist Drives held by Len Covey at the hall every week. When I was 12 years old my mum started to take me with her occasionally and the hall was always absolutely packed with local ladies.
In the sixties my sister and I went the Youth Club held by Arthur Ballard, a wonderful kind man We loved the club and the activities he organised. It was also great fun walking home in the dark with a group of friends.
In the early 1980s I went to a W.I. Meeting there and met Betty Allen who was the Booking Secretary for the Hall, she invited me to assist at the Annual Christmas Re-Union Party for people who had lived or went to school in Worth and Three Bridges. I then joined the Monte Management Committee and became their Chairman for 23 years.
Over the years I have been to many Christmas re-unions,birthday parties,funeral wakes, wedding anniversaries but the event that stands out for me was the wonderful party with all my family and friends to celebrate the beginning of a New Century 2000.
(by Stella Berrisford)