Belonging in Crawley

1 Jun 2023 - 29 Jul 2023
Thursday, Friday, Saturday 10:30-16:00
Free admission, donations welcomed

The Belonging in Crawley Exhibition, in Crawley Museum, represents the culmination of a year of workshops and discussions with community groups and individuals, exploring the theme of Belonging.

The project is run by Crawley Museums and funded by Art Council England.

Like the museum itself, Belonging In Crawley, celebrates a sense of place and home. Some have chosen to create works that show the connections that make us part of a community. Some have celebrated the town itself, and some have chosen to take inspiration from everyday household objects in the museum’s collection and see where their imagination takes them.

There were images and thoughts from a wide range of participants and there were opportunities for visitors to the Museum to take part in further workshops and contribute their own thoughts on Belonging, while the exhibition was on display.

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