By William James Denman with a biographical update by his granddaughter Nadine Hygate
This is a story of a village community based on the recollections of local inhabitants of the period. The details were collected and written by William, a local historian of the period. He wrote various articles for newspapers and magazines under the nom de plume ‘Wayfarer’, and Crawley was his passion. Lavishly illustrated with old photographs, it is a story of everyday life of the villagers.
The first biographical section informs the reader of whom Wayfarer was and has a chapter on Crawley 1840-1870 and a list of residents from the 1881 Census.
The second historical section is W.J.D.’s writing in 1927 and includes extensive chapters on Crawley pubs, tollgates, houses, people, businesses, postal history, the hospital, the fire station and much, much more.
240 pages. 220 photographs, drawings and maps including a large fold-out 1840 tithe map.