By Jim Laker
YESTERDAY’S CHILD is an obvious sequel to my Father’s original booklet “Down Memory Lane”.
In its page are but snippets of the memories and experiences that make up a human life. My Father’s early years, like those of many of us, were not extraordinary but his generation heralded the end of an era of rural life that stretches back into pre-history. With the arrival of petrol power the ways of agriculture changed rapidly. Industry, hungry for labour left the countryside short of skilled men, and “sons of the earth” looked to the towns for their future. But in this booklet my Father reflects all too briefly on the period of his life when he could truly claim to be “a farmers boy”. How is it the old song goes? “To plough, to sow, to reap and mow and be a farmers boy”. The seasons of the year dictating the events and working life of the farming community.
When I listen to my Father telling stories of his childhood, I find myself wallowing in the nostalgia, truly believing them to be the “good old days”. Read for yourselves, sometimes, between the lines and it is all too apparent that the hardships were real enough. Somehow, though I cannot but believe that in the hayfield and again at harvest the sun always shone. Hard the life may have been, but who of us would not wish to share the simple pleasures of rest and contentment when all is safely gathered in.
Tim Laker. January 1981 SIGNED COPY
16 pages 20 illustrations