Crawley Museum welcomes Crawley Arts Society back for their second exhibition with us. This year they are joined by Crawley Camera Club and Crawley Writers Circle to make this exhibition a presentation of art, photography and writing by local people.
Some of the art works are available to buy through Crawley Art Society with a portion of the money being donated to support Crawley Museums in our continued work.
Some examples of previous work by Crawley Writers Circle can be purchased from the museum shop.
You can find out more about Crawley Art Society here
You can find out more about Crawley Camera Club here
You can find out more about Crawley Writers Circle here
This year we have had various celebrations, and our writing includes the tiniest moments of joy to fond memories of celebrations past. We are very pleased to be included in the ‘Belonging in Crawley’ project and some of our writing reflects this. We hope you enjoy reading our writing and accompanying photographs.
We are planning a poetry trail in Crawley next year with the theme ‘A walk on the wild side in Crawley’.
If you would like your poem to be included in the poetry trail please send an email with your poem to clearly stating that you would like your poem to be considered for the trail.
Crawley Camera Clubs full exhibition can be seen on there website here.