Events and Exhibitions

Current and future events & exhibitions at Crawley Museum and Ifield Watermill

Current Exhibitions

Currently we have an exhibition on sports in Crawley available on the first floor of the museum. Come along and learn about the sporting heritage of the town.

Learn about Hockey's rich history in the town from its humble beginnings to present times. Find out about Crawley's Old Girls (COGS for short) a woman's football team from our town. See the part Boxing played in Crawley's history and more.

Coming soon to Crawley Museum

Upcoming Talks

  • Tues 25th June - Sussex True Crime: Motor Bandits at Crawley Corssing

  • Tues 30th July - Cook and Longley: Building Crawley

  • August - No Talks or Meetings scheduled

  • Tues 24th September - AGM; Curator's Report (Meeting starts at 7:30)

  • Tues 29th October - Sir Richard Burton - Explorer and Writer

  • Tues 26th November - 60 Years in Photography and Homelessness

  • Tues 17 December - Christmas Social Event

Upcoming Exhibitions

  • July-August - Manor Royal and Crawley's Industrial past in conjunction with the Manor Royal Business District team. The aim is to create a permanent record of Manor Royal, hoe it has evolved and changed, and to capture some of the stories of the people who worked there. This information will then be used to inform a physical trail around Manor Royal that will help interpret the place as well as creating more spaces for people to sit and rest
  • September-October - Diverse Crawley- themes to be confirmed, but this is now fixed as an annual event. October remains as Black History Month which for many years has been an important element in the town's life. There is also a rich European element in Crawley culture which deserves attention.
  • November-December - Winter Festivals. A look at the different cultural approaches to winter celebrations.

Please be patient

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